The Master's degree in Management Engineering is organized by the Escuela Tècnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
Organization Engineering is the branch of engineering that applies science and technology to organizations’ design and management. The EEE Engineering Management Society defends that organization engineering has converted itself into a professional discipline that distinguishes its engineers from the rest by having the ability to apply not only the principles of engineering, but also those that are necessary for the organization and technical direction of people and projects.
The master’s main objective is to prepare the student so that he/she can take effective decisions related to the design and management of complex organizations including, amongst others, the design of manufacturing and logistics systems, the supply chain’s planning, the operations’ direction, personnel’s direction, project management, financing management and organizations’ direction.
This master will offers the possibility to do double degree programs :
- At the same School with the Master's degree in Industrial Engineering
- At a local way with the UOC ( Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), following the master's degree in Business Administration (Organization Management in the Knowledge Economy)
- Abroad with the Politecnico di Milano .